New translated resources are being added monthly. Webinars are hosted monthly.
Guidelines on Census and COVID-19
Apply for a 2020 Census Job!
The U.S. Census Bureau is recruiting to fill hundreds of thousands of temporary positions across the country to assist with the 2020 Census count. Apply here.
Priority Counties Hiring Census Enumerators - new
Translated GOTC Materials
中文 - Chinese Simplified |中文 - Chinese Traditional | বাংলা - Bengali | ဗမာ - Burmese |ગુજરાતી – Gujarati | हिंदी – Hindi | hmoob – Hmong | Iu-mienh - lu Mien| 日本人 – Japanese | 한국어 – Korean | ខ្មែរ Khmer | ລາວ - Lao | मराठी - Marathi | नेपाली – Nepali |ਪੰਜਾਬੀ - Punjabi |தமிழ் - Tamil|Tagalog | ไทย – Thai | Tiếng Việt - Vietnamese |اردو - Urdu| Español - Spanish | عربى - Arabic
Translations in 15 Asian Languages for the Word “Census”
Census 2020 GOTC Toolkit
Comprehensive toolkit on community engagement and communication tips for 2020 GOTC efforts - updated February 2020.
Census Hotline Toolkit
Tweets, translated graphics, and an NHPI section for targeted hotline outreach!
Census 101 Flyer and Census Hotline Flyers
Get Out The Count (GOTC) - all updated August 2020
How Do I Respond to the 2020 Census and What Does it Ask Me?
Census Outreach 101 and What Community-Based Organizations Can Do
***Click here for customizable GOTC factsheets (available in 18 Asian languages and English) to add your organization’s logo and contact information.***
The Citizenship Question
The Citizenship Question Decision
Why the 2020 Census Matters for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islander Communities
State Factsheets (Including all 50 states plus the District of Columbia)
More Issues
NEW 10/26/20: Factsheet on 2020 Census Litigation and What It Means for Asian American Communities - Translated Factsheets Here
FAQ: Data Disaggregation and Asian Americans in the U.S. Census
List of recorded webinars on various census topics.
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Language Assistance Guides and Glossaries
Chamorro: Language Glossary | Language Assistance Guide
Chuukese: Language Glossary | Language Assistance Guide
Marshallese: Language Glossary | Language Assistance Guide
Native Hawaiian: Language Glossary | Language Assistance Guide
Samoan: Language Glossary | Language Assistance Guide
Tongan: Language Glossary | Language Assistance Guide
Resources From Our Partners
Resource library of toolkits, factsheets and more from partner organizations on the 2020 Census.
Check out #AAPI2020 Resources here!
Sign up for community calls, resources, trainings, and more!
Count On Your Census Podcast
We created a new podcast, Count On Your Census, to help promote a robust and accurate count in the 2020 Census. Listen and subscribe here or on your favorite podcast streaming service!