“Pikipiki hama ka e vaevae manava; Let us link our outriggers together, so we can share life.” We offer this Tongan proverb as a way to unite the many different cultures of the Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander community, to ensure that we have a voice, to show that we are here, and to show that we will stand up for our community and get counted in the 2020 Census.
Empowering Pacific Islander Communities (EPIC) has partnered with Asian Americans Advancing Justice to bring you information about the 2020 Census in 8 NHPI languages; Chamorro, Chuukese, Marshallese, Native Hawaiian, Palauan, Samoan, Tongan, and Vakaviti. Census participation for our community continues to be crucial. It is the single most important source of nationally representative survey data about our community that is publicly available. Drawing from census data, we’ve been able to understand the NHPI community across a range of social indicators and NHPI subgroups. Census data is how we compiled demographic profiles that remain some of the only ones to disaggregate data on our communities. We know the depth and diversity of NHPIs in the U.S. because of census participation.
Click here: NHPI Partner Resources
Download the NHPI Census Toolkit!
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Language Assistance Guides and Glossaries
Chamorro: Language Glossary | Language Assistance Guide
Chuukese: Language Glossary | Language Assistance Guide
Native Hawaiian: Language Glossary | Language Assistance Guide
Marshallese: Language Glossary | Language Assistance Guide
Samoan: Language Glossary | Language Assistance Guide
Tongan: Language Glossary | Language Assistance Guide